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PCI Pharma Services – Org Merging & Acquisition Integration

  • Healthcare & Life Sciences

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PCI Pharma Services is a global, integrated Contract Development & Manufacturing Organisation (CDMO) delivering a comprehensive range of pharmaceutical services from the earliest stages of development through to commercial launch and beyond.


Part of the company’s growth strategy has been through acquisition, which while highly successful, has brought challenges when it comes to integrating complex business systems swiftly and efficiently. In particular, the company was keen to streamline the onboarding process and avoid duplication and crossover with accounts and contacts data etc. when bringing data from a new business into PCI’s Salesforce Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.

PCI’s Chief Commercial Officer, Tim Roberts explained: ‘One of the issues is that, unlike ourselves, some organisations use an ‘off-the-shelf’ version of Salesforce. In the case of an acquisition, we had to find a way to integrate its data into our own more sophisticated, customised version of the platform, which we have developed specially to maximise its potential to support business efficiency.’


Mint’s approach is to first complete an analysis of any acquired business’ system to establish the volume of data to bring over, comparing Salesforce fields (including picklist values and respective probability percentages in opportunities) and any other system aspects. Mint then produces a report which provides the statistics on volumes, fields, and a mapping of the acquired business’ fields to those which already exist within PCI’s system. Most importantly, it also highlights any conflicts or discrepancies.

The next stage is to discuss the report and steps required with both PCI and the acquired business representatives to agree on actions including any consolidation which needs to take place. This can take a few weeks as time is often needed to consider particular aspects and have additional internal conversations.


Once all this has been resolved and agreed, data is loaded into the PCI Salesforce system – but another key step is that it remains hidden from the majority of users at this point (or flagged up with a warning). Access is only available to a chosen group of users nominated to help with a data cleanse (removing duplicates, and cross checking the merged data etc.)

Mint also ensures that the information is ‘time-stamped’, so that it can be identified and segregated for pre- and post-merger reporting.

Tim said: ‘Mint has an intricate knowledge of what we do and how we do it, based on eight years of partnership. Data can be very sensitive, such as input of licences etc, and their advice on timing for swapping over systems is crucial.

‘They are really good at supporting both ourselves, and the people in the business we are acquiring, through the whole transition process and making it as straightforward as possible.’

“Mint has an intricate knowledge of what we do and how we do it, based on eight years of partnership. Data can be very sensitive, such as input of licences etc, and their advice on timing for swapping over systems is crucial.”

Tim Roberts
Chief Commercial Officer

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